By using advanced camera technology and logging probes, we can provide detailed diagnoses on ageing boreholes, including video and physicochemical data, such as

  • Temperature
  • Conductivity
  • Natural radioactivity in the soil
  • Water flows

The remotely controlled equipment is carefully lowered into the boreholes allowing for water sampling at different depths. With the support from specialized reference laboratories the samples are analyzed enabling us to characterize qualitatively each of the groundwater flows as well as detect any potential contamination.

A hydrogeologist interprets the data taking into consideration the global (hydro) geological and environmental context in which the water was collected.


Detection of 4 groundwater flows by data logging – Harare, Zimbabwe

Some boreholes are so far in the ageing process that they can no longer guarantee a sufficient yield. Others produce water that no longer meets the required quality specifications for consumption.

Once diagnosed, the decision to rehabilitate the borehole or not can be made and the methods to do so can be determined.

Above a few examples of boreholes, which required our intervention.

In emergency cases, we can rely on an extensive network of partners to ship mobile diagnostic kits to the field thus enabling us to perform rapid diagnosis.

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