INTERFACE-EAU can rehabilitate boreholes through mechanical means and/or chemical treatment. The process can involve simple compressed air cleaning and mechanical scrubbing, or can extend to much more delicate operations, such as unclogging slotted casings through chemical treatment or partial relining.
Generally, the equipment we use to rehabilitate boreholes can be purchased or rented in the field. Some tools can also be at least partly custom-made.
Cleaning of a borehole by acid treatment and mechanical scrubbing – Hounde, Burkina Faso

Many boreholes present signs of ageing such as:
- deposits of e.g. carbonates, iron and/or manganese oxides
- bacterial growth
- partial clogging
- damages to the casing
- sand intrusion
- pollution
These phenomena are often accompanied by a reduction in the yield and/or a deterioration of the water quality.
In many cases preventive maintenance or rehabilitation of dysfunctional boreholes will solve these problems, whereby having to carry out new and repeated borehole drillings can be avoided.